Weekly article from: Made his marc. Marc Jacobs CFDA Womens wear Designer of the year. http://www.vogue.com.au/people+parties/events/made+his+marc,3199
Marc Jacobs has been a huge name in the arena of women fashion designing. The fact is that the fashion designer has been getting various accolades in the domain of fashion world. Jacobs even have the rare involvement with The Council of Fashion Designers of America.
The runway gallery collection of Marc Jacobs has been immensely popular. The collection has also been part of the online edition of the prestigious fashion magazine ‘Vogue’.
The efforts of Marc Jacobs undoubtedly got the best recognition when he was named ‘Womenswear Designer of the Year’. His name in the fashion world is taken in the same breadth with that of Davis Neville and Alexix Bittar.
With such recognition, it can be said that the hard work of Marc Jacobs have paid off well as the fashion world has accepted his initiatives which has also been tremendous popular among the target market. Marc Jacobs have huge fan following all across the globe and it is also true in the Oceania countries.
The runway gallery collection of Marc Jacobs has been immensely popular. The collection has also been part of the online edition of the prestigious fashion magazine ‘Vogue’.
The efforts of Marc Jacobs undoubtedly got the best recognition when he was named ‘Womenswear Designer of the Year’. His name in the fashion world is taken in the same breadth with that of Davis Neville and Alexix Bittar.
With such recognition, it can be said that the hard work of Marc Jacobs have paid off well as the fashion world has accepted his initiatives which has also been tremendous popular among the target market. Marc Jacobs have huge fan following all across the globe and it is also true in the Oceania countries.
source: Vogue., 2010. Made his marc. Marc Jacobs CFDA Womens wear Designer of the year. [Online] Available at: http://www.vogue.com.au/people+parties/events/made+his+marc,3199
picture: http://fashionindie.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/marc_jacobs_2.jpg